CTANZ Exhibition

 Out of School Events

Ōamaru is hosting the Costume and Textile Association New Zealand (CTANZ) for their annual conference from the 5th - 7th of May. Waitaki Museum and Archive have created a stunning exhibition in their new space upstairs. The exhibition is on now until the 28th of May and features textile artists from around Aotearoa.

St Kevin’s art teacher Sara Plunkett is exhibiting her piece “Pātiki” which is a maro made in 2022 during her study year at Te wānanga o Raukawa for the Heke Toi Whakarākai (Raranga) / Diploma in Design and Art in weaving.

“The Pātiki tāniko pattern is derived from the flounder and represents hospitality. I was inspired by the painting “Ki Uta ki Tai” 1985 (David Higgins and Steve Gibbs) at Moeraki Marae. Like the Pātiki, the manaakitaka at Moeraki is always plentiful.

This was the first work Sara made for her studies this year, it incorporates a variety of whatu techniques. She has used whītau (muka) from Ōtaki as the kaupapa for the maro. The whītau in the tāniko is from different varieties of harakeke from Moeraki and Ōrokonui. She dyed the whītau, corn husks and duck feathers using two different kōrari dyes made from my harakeke in Ōamaru.

As artists, we need to find ways to be kinder to the taiao. By learning from traditional Māori textile practices we can make art that has a lower impact on our environment. 

Kā mihi rau ki Moeraki Runaka, ki kā kaiako o Te Whare Pora ki Te Wānaka o Rāukawa, ki kā takata katoa o Hāto Kewene. Sara Plunkett.

Amazing Sara!



Article added: Saturday 29 April 2023


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